
At last, u're about to read my life at my blog:)

hello. im zaf. 19 this year. currently stayin in ipoh. first of all, im a quite shy lil person but who knows me well, im crazee sometimes:) im okay with all types of people but don't make me hate ya by your words. im single for a year maybe? the reason why is bcuz im not easily fall for anyone. i can be really a calm person if i love ya! do highlight that " IF ".

kutuk kat sini okie:))

pumpkins followers

gay gay:)

date : 24 april 2010
with : bro adiedodie

adie.. aku sumpah syg ko. sgt happy knal ko.. ko ade time aku susah, itu baru kawan rite?
aku mintak maaf if slama ni ko trase nan aku, aku akan make sure ko takan dibelakangi lagi.
aku tak kisa tade couple as long as aku ade ko:P