
At last, u're about to read my life at my blog:)

hello. im zaf. 19 this year. currently stayin in ipoh. first of all, im a quite shy lil person but who knows me well, im crazee sometimes:) im okay with all types of people but don't make me hate ya by your words. im single for a year maybe? the reason why is bcuz im not easily fall for anyone. i can be really a calm person if i love ya! do highlight that " IF ".

kutuk kat sini okie:))

pumpkins followers

3rd sem

july 22

life? still sucks like hell. ape pasal? bukan salah rumah tu atau environment tp salah aty aku yg mengelodak nih. npe rase cmni? sbb tak ade yg membahagiakan dok lua ni, dok dalam pon lagi la worst. so biala jadi outsider tp how to fix my situation? haha^^, agak blurr di situ. adie? ohh die be bud aku. sebilik nan die. omg whats life if we dont have a friend? lagi 3sem je pown nk hadapi, kawan la smentare tuhan memberi ruang,bila Dia dah tak bg pluang kite berkawan, padan muka,agagagaga!
ngek la ape aku mepek nih. btw,i love havin a true friend . bcuz we will enjoy this moment together:)
kawan kawan kawan, tipu ah kalau tak lonely tade kawan kan? adieeee kau jgn buad psal eh kat lua nnt kne grounded,haha :)