
At last, u're about to read my life at my blog:)

hello. im zaf. 19 this year. currently stayin in ipoh. first of all, im a quite shy lil person but who knows me well, im crazee sometimes:) im okay with all types of people but don't make me hate ya by your words. im single for a year maybe? the reason why is bcuz im not easily fall for anyone. i can be really a calm person if i love ya! do highlight that " IF ".

kutuk kat sini okie:))

pumpkins followers


today i was wondering that could i have a better life that makes me happy?
tomorrow is always tomorrow,we can't stop the time for being tomorrow.
but today i just feel like everything goin not okay and im not in a good condition
how can i help you and him get back together?
its complicated.
i just wanna see you happy, if im not happy its okie, i can cure by myself
but im worried bout you.
im sorry.
i will try my best to get your life back to normal okay:)

p/s : swear to god i tak pernah langsung terniat dihati yg nak tgk u n him tak bahagia.
kalau im the one yg nak tgk tu,mst i dh buat mcm2 dah to see korg seperate.
u pk lah sape yg dah ruined our lives.
i tak happy takpe,i sabar,tp i xleh tgk u unhappy.
slama ni yg u sorok something drp i, i tak pernah marah you,i accept je kan?
that means i syg u n takan nak tgk u sdae.
i sanggup berkorban demi tgk u happy dgn die.