
At last, u're about to read my life at my blog:)

hello. im zaf. 19 this year. currently stayin in ipoh. first of all, im a quite shy lil person but who knows me well, im crazee sometimes:) im okay with all types of people but don't make me hate ya by your words. im single for a year maybe? the reason why is bcuz im not easily fall for anyone. i can be really a calm person if i love ya! do highlight that " IF ".

kutuk kat sini okie:))

pumpkins followers

ily guys!

eiqa's birthday
happy to see you guys.
3rd picx(left) : sara ,eiqa ,zaf ,nazzy ,nadz.


P : i and adie will always be with you no matter what, happy three friends.
R : takpe, i tak prlukan spe2 now.
P : [just wondering]... owh trasenye aku die ckp cmtu,aku ikhlas kot ckp cmtu bknnye ade niat pape. tapelah mybe die tak sengaje.
P : u, npe u cm moody je ni, share with me then:)
R : tak prlulah u tau ok, i dh bsa leh settle sendiri.
P : [just wondering again]... aku tak pkse die utk bercerite everything but cm tersinggung sgt pasaan aku ble aku ade as a friend utk die but cm aku ni trok sgt je. sjak aritu,aku sumpah trase and tak text die cuz aty aku sdae sgt. aku dah cube tlg die utk ngn that guy alek but why nak mrh kat aku gak... ape doe sala aku, sorry ah klu aku mmg tak pndai nak jge aty kwn, im not like your bff kat sne.... aku trase sgt cuz aku anggp die cm sis aku dah,ktorg rapat gle, but tatw yg pe aku uat sume tak kne, sorry.....

penyu & pumpkin

ni lokasi ruma ktorg,ni nga final exam gi cari uma..adie bezbud aku.love you weh.my life is not complete w/out both of you.
adie syg kaw!